
The Core Team engages in ongoing
identification and anticipation of risks to
a youth and family’s safety, permanency,
and well-being and develops evolving
shared understanding of what precipitates,
drives, and helps to mitigate risk and crisis for youth and family. It involves engaging the family to help them establish a family driven individualized plan for how they can use their current skills and strengths to increase protective factors, build safety networks, and resolve potential dangers. Safety networks include a youth’s and family’s protective relationships that are critical to the success of a safety plan, in a crisis and ongoing. Input from all relevant supportive persons results in a coordinated comprehensive plan that is realistic for the youth/family to implement and addresses the assessed risks. Safety planning promotes effective collaboration and continuity in urgent situations across settings (i.e., school, home, group home). Safety plans offer a range of crisis supports to intervene when preventative measures cannot avert a crisis. Crisis support is provided and involves an urgent response that helps youth/family use their strengths and skills and network of relationships to diminish and/or manage acute risk.